
How Agencies Use Analytics for Better Decision-Making
Today's agencies need better systems to help them make the most of their data. In this GovLoop report,...

The Redefined CFO
Today's CFOs have diversified their responsibilities, embracing non-traditional skills, implementing...

Securing business information with Box
The rise of mobility, cloud services and service-oriented platforms have created immense value for IT...

The New Normal that the Pandemic will Unleash on Business
The coronavirus pandemic has forced every large company to move knowledge work from their offices to...

BARC Score Report 2021: Integrated Planning and Analytics
Planning is essential to your organisation – even more so when you are looking to align your operational...

2021 Professional Services Maturity Benchmark
Service Performance Insight (SPI), LLC is a global research, consulting and training organization dedicated...

Payroll: Neglect or Nurture? Take a new look at pay
Why optimise payroll? Find out why payroll makes such a good candidate for optimisation. And see how...

NetSuite for Nonprofits, Accounting for your Mission
Not-for-profits operate in a world of significant complexity, limited resources and software solutions...

Het handboek voor digitale overeenkomsten in HR
Vijf nieuwe manieren waarop uw HR-afdeling overeenkomsten beter en efficiënter kan afhandelen, van indiensttreding...

Would you be ready... if you need to open new offices in 10+ countries?
Midsize companies play a key role in the global economy, driving a large share of job creation, economic...

Capture Consent: How to protect your business and your Clients
Fraudulent account opening activity can lead to legal issues and reputational damage and regulators have...
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